CQL Søgestrenge Eksempler
DBCs CQL dokumentation: FBI-API’s Complex Search Documentation
Mette Kulmbach har været så venlig at dele nogle søgestrenge, som hun har bygget for Billund Bibliotekerne. De er til inspiration og er ikke perfekte eller udtømmende. Har du lavet søgestrenge, der er smartere eller mere korrekte, da send dine eksempler til cms-info@fddf.dk. Så lægger vi dem ud her på siden.
30/10-2024 - Opdateret med NOW - X days afgrænsninger
For børn
Nyt på hylderne for børn - 6 til 8 år
phrase.language=dansk AND ages within "6 8" and firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS
term.genreandform=pegebøger AND firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS
Helt ny fantasy
term.genreandform=fantasy AND ages within "6 14" and firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS
Mere fantasy
term.genreandform=fantasy AND firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 60 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 180 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 180 DAYS AND ages within "6 14"
For voksne
Nye krimier
dk5="sk" and term.childrenoradults="til voksne" and term.genreandform="krimi" AND firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 60 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS
Flere krimier
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 4 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND phrase.genreandform=krimi AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
Alle krimier
term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND phrase.genreandform=krimi AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
Nye historiske romaner
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 60 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND (term.genreandform="historiske romaner" OR term.subject="historiske romaner") AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 4 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND term.genreandform=humor* AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
Mere humor
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 18 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 36 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 36 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND term.genreandform=humor* AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
Ny bøger om kærlighed
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 60 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND term.genreandform=kærlig* AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
Nye bøger om erotik
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 8 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction=”fiction” AND term.childrenoradults=”til voksne” and term.subject=”erotik*” not term.genreandform=”krimi”
#### Ny chick lit
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 90 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND term.genreandform=chick* AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
firstaccessiondate > 2024-01-01 and dk5="sk" and term.childrenoradults="til voksne" and term.subject="fantasy*" not term.genreandform="krimi" and term.generalmaterialtype="bøger" and hascover=true
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 90 DAYS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 90 DAYS and term.childrenoradults="til voksne" and term.fictionnonfiction="nonfiction" and phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog”
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 6 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND ((dk5=99.4 AND (term.subject=biografi* OR term.subject=erindring*)) OR (term.genreandform=biografi* NOT dk5=sk)) AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" NOT dk5=77.*
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 6 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="tegneserie"
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 6 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND term.genreandform=digte AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
firstaccessiondate >= NOW - 12 MONTHS AND publicationyear >= NOW - 24 MONTHS AND datefirstedition >= NOW - 24 MONTHS AND term.fictionnonfiction="fiction" AND term.childrenoradults="til voksne" AND term.genreandform=noveller AND phrase.language=dansk AND phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"